Debt Stress causing Health Problems.
Is debt stress causing serious health problems to anyone you know? There is a hidden cost that is not so hidden in our country today. Ireland is facing a major hangover from the halcyon days of the Celtic Tiger property boom. Debt stress is becoming a day to day issue for most people who are suffering under the heavy burden of debt.
Every day I come across someone who has aged beyond their years because of the damage which debt stress is causing them.
We forget sometimes that stress can have a physical element.
It reminds me of looking at someone who has been on cigarettes for too many years.
It strikes me that we professionals, solicitors, accountants or personal insolvency practitioners, when dealing with people trying to deal with banks or other creditors often forget the personal cost.
Sometimes simply being able to come to a medium to long-term arrangement is in itself enough of a result. The personal day-to-day strain that debt stress causes to both our psychological and physical well-being cannot be underestimated.
The fact that the debt might be small does not mean that the stress is small and sometimes having a Plan or a structure is enough to relieve the stress. It is not always about writing off debt. More often it is about writing off stress.
Maybe it is time that we all faced up to the high cost of debt in this country. People are entitled to start living again and not spend the rest of their lives paying for believing that we were a success story.